Psychiatry RSS News Feed

Psychiatry news articles
Aggiornato: 7 anni 44 settimane fa

Diabetes distress and depression in South Asian Canadians with type 2 diabetes

31 ottobre, 2016 - 01:00
Canadian Journal of Diabetes

Risk factors for substance misuse and adolescents' symptoms of depression

31 ottobre, 2016 - 01:00
Journal of Adolescent Health

Fear of Falling in Older Mexican Americans: A Longitudinal Study of Incidence and Predictive Factors

31 ottobre, 2016 - 01:00
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Mentalization and depressive symptoms in a clinical sample of adolescents and young adults

31 ottobre, 2016 - 01:00
Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Emotional demands at work and the risk of clinical depression: A longitudinal study in the Danish public sector

31 ottobre, 2016 - 01:00
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine

Using experimental auctions to examine demand for e-cigarettes

31 ottobre, 2016 - 01:00
Nicotine & Tobacco Research

Experiences of caring for a sibling with schizophrenia in a Chinese context: A neglected issue

31 ottobre, 2016 - 01:00
International Journal of Mental Health Nursing

Totale visualizzazioni: 1037