Percorso: Home 9 Varie 9 Anna Grazia (Bologna) – Pompeo Martelli ( Roma) – ENG

Anna Grazia (Bologna) – Pompeo Martelli ( Roma) – ENG

3 Dic 12


Communication in the age of 'globalization'. (Anna Grazia)

I want to underline some aspects of communication in the age of Internet, about those aspects which pertain to transcultural communications, linguistics and a sociological processes known as "globalization".
Nowadays, in many countries of the world economics, politics and poeple's life styles are determined by the global process which desolves cultural, economical and geografical borders. Data concernig Internet is made available by the cooperation of western countries. The informations is generally in English and some autors regard the use of one language as restrictive and too 'homogeneus' for ethnic and religious minorities, which are tying to get access to the W.W.W. On the other hand in many countries (China, Far-East, Islam countries) Internet is censored from autorities, because is considered – like TV an other mass media – destabilizing and disputing for the social order.
Now the global communication is a big opportunity for all, and we hope that computer-mediated communication through Internet can increase also cultural integration.



Mass movement of people is not a new phenomenon. There are significant differences, however, between contemporaney migration and that of yesterday. Modern communication and trasportation makes it possible for people and their health problems to travel further and more quickly than ever before.
Human migration oblige our country (Italy) to find comfort with many problems (legal position in comparison with EU, legal equality for exiles, reefugees and illegal emigrants), to have a fight with criminality and to work out new plains about multicultural integration, employment and organization of health services.
We know the role of the culture to develop of the nosological models, etiological theories and treatments, particulary on the field of mental mealth.
Mental Health Services in Italy are unprepared for help people to come of countries tormented by wars, natural disasters, poverty, religious and race hatres. There is a crucial need for training and preparing mental health professionals to understanding perspectives that differ from their own ethnic orientation.
Psychomedia, (Internet Web-Site and Telematic Review) through its own recent section/m-list dedicated to Etnopsychology and Transcultural Psychiatry (PM-EPPT), it inted to develop an debate making use of Net-resources (specially in the form of new tool of professional co-operation without the traditional mediators of scientific knowledge) in order to carry out (or to increase) process of prevention and treatment of psychological deseases.
I will be present some m-lists and web-sites relative to cross-cultural dimension too.



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