Il quarto raduno del"Healing our Spirit World Wide" ( " Saniamo il nostro spirito da un capo all’altro del mondo"), si e’ tenuto in Albuqeurque, NM, nel settebre scorso(2002). Questa conferenza che origino’ nel 1992, si e’...
Gli articoli:
Il trattamento del Trauma Storico tramite attivismo ecologico e pratiche culturali
Introduzione Ho deciso di scrivere questo articolo quando due eventi che interessano due comunità, geograficamente lontane le une dalle altre , ma entrambi vicine al mio cuore si stavano evolvendo. Mi riferisco alle pianificazione ,da parte di una potente...
Healing Historical Trauma through Ecological Activism and Cultural Practices
NDR: IL TESTO é DISPONIBILE ANCHE IN FORMATO PDF; SCARICABILE CLICCANDO IL LINK Introduction I decided to write this article when two events affecting two communities, geographically far away from each other but both close to my heart were evolving. I am...
Epigenetics and Historical Proxy theories in the intergenerational inheritance of Historical Trauma: “Who is telling the story? The genes or the mind?”
Introduction. Trauma has been the focus of much research for more than three decades. This emphasis makes sense, since traumatic experiences have a profound effect on psychological and physical health not only for the individual, but for communities, and generations...
Ibogaine: The story of a therapeutic casualty?
Introduction The use of Ibogaine, an alkaloid found in an African root, originated in some indigenous African cultures as a powerful healing tool for different types of physical and emotional discomfort. In the last three decades, it has gained popularity in the...
Piu’ vigIlanza sulla sindrome di astinenza da alcol nei pazienti anziani
In genere, i sintomi di astinenza alcolica, compaiono dopo 5-24 ore dall'ultima assunzione. Il quadro della astinenza alcolica non complicata comincia dopo circa 6 ore dalla ultima assunzione , puo' durare per diversi giorni, ed e' caratterizzata da...
Ibogaine: A missed opportunity for the treatment of substance abuse disorders?
This review of the History of Ibogaine, an African root, focuses on contextual aspects impinging upon its use in the treatment of substance abuse disorders. The focus on context and history intends to convey the message that Ibogaine properties and potential benefits...
The possible impact of climatic changes and dislocation on the incidence and prevalence of substance use disorders
Background Authors and social activists have already addressed the negative impact of climatic changes, regarding the physical health and the mental health of several populations. In this commentary, the authors will relate climatic changes to the phenomenon of...