Alla fine, come era prevedibile, Trump, l’uomo della palude, ha vinto.
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8 novembre, 2016 - 16:37
The article starts with a reference to the theory of affective tone complex of Jung (1934), revised and updated according to the latest research from neuroscience by Van Der Kolk and Siegel (2015, 2013) on the shortest route of Le Doux. Then proceeds by analyzing for some dialogue themes and images from the film Departures (Takita, J., 2008), to illustrate the evolution of the father complex. From the angry reactions to his father, to the dissolution of the complex.
The article starts with a reference to the theory of affective tone complex of Jung (1934), revised and updated according to the latest research from neuroscience by Van Der Kolk and Siegel (2015, 2013) on the shortest route of Le Doux. Then proceeds by analyzing for some dialogue themes and images from the film Departures (Takita, J., 2008), to illustrate the evolution of the father complex. From the angry reactions to his father, to the dissolution of the complex.
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